mind moves training

What if slow learners could become star pupils?

With the scientifically-developed Mind Moves®, they can! Now there’s no reason to watch helplessly when kids struggle and seem unable to grasp, process and apply the information at the same rate as others. Because you can make a difference in their lives. It’s time you learned Mind Moves – a proven system for finding the cause of learning problems and eliminating it by means of specific, simple-to-use Mind Moves exercises while strengthening pupils’ learning abilities.

Highly recommended for children aged 3 – 18 years.

Movement develops the brain

Why do we expect children to sit still when conception is an active process; the ensuing cell division is an active process; development of the embryo is an active process; growth of the foetus is an active process; birth is an active process; breathing is an active process; reaching each milestone is an active process; touching, smelling, tasting, seeing and listening are active processes; eating, singing, walking, sitting, reading, writing, learning and sleeping are active processes…?

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What are reflexes?

Reflexes are involuntary reactions in response to stimulation that brings about a change.

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Primitive reflexes develop during pregnancy and are present at birth to assist with the birthing process. During the first year of life, primitive reflexes stimulate sensory-motor development. Primitive reflexes are controlled by the brain stem and have a limited lifespan.

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Play Learn Grow

Play Learn Grow

Ready to learn ready for school

Ready to learn ready for school

Removing barriers to learning

Moves that mends the mind

Mind Dynamix

Twinkle in my wrinkle

Die glinster in my grysheid


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