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May 6, 2020
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brain development MILESTONES and learning (2019 Edition)


CLICK HERE to view and download the complimentary first three chapters of: Brain development MILESTONES and learning

Every parent should make a “developmental date” with this book and read it from cover to cover. Whether you are in the childbearing phase of your life or already in the childrearing phase, this is a book you HAVE to read. Your child’s brain grows at an amazing rate- from conception to many years after birth. You as the parent will gain insight into developmental problems which will enable you to spot them, deal with them accordingly and most importantly- prevent them. By taking full advantage of the small things, you will help your child achieve his full potential with ease. Tine Otte, Childbirth Educator, R.N.R.M.ICCE

SKU: Milestones-1 Categories: , , ,

brain development MILESTONES and learning is a practical guide book for parents, caregivers, teachers and therapists to enable children to develop into the happy, clever and fulfilled people they were born to be.

Developmental specialist, Dr Melodie de Jager’s thought-provoking book brain development MILESTONES and learning takes a long term look at brain development from the womb and the first year of life to school going age and the role of the motor milestones in this development. It was motivated by the need for a practical plan of action for parents and caregivers to optimise the most sensitive time of neurological development as well as a practical plan of action for parents and teachers of school going children who, as babies, had skipped a developmental milestone or completed their milestones out of sequence and is still subjected to the influence of the primitive reflexes’ first call on brain activity. This culture sensitive book promises to enable parents and caregivers to prevent learning problems at school and in life. It also shows what an older child can do to play developmental catch-up if he/she has skipped a motor milestone as a baby.

Melodie de Jager invites her readers to an encompassing ‘counselling session’ answering every possible question parents or parents-to-be might come up with regarding development. In her own loving way, she addresses the reader at eye-level while sharing her extensive knowledge about baby’s development. She enables her readers to grasp the perfect plan that underlies early childhood development and parenthood and to recognise the wisdom of nature that hides in the natural unfolding of the reflexes. Having completed the book the parents (-to-be) will find themselves in the position to meet the challenge of parenthood with enriched knowledge not only about their baby but also about their own parental abilities. Verena Prinsloo, Speech- and language therapist

 There is such an essential link between behaviour and neurodevelopment. The book is a valuable contribution to parents wanting to make the most of their precious ones’ critical milestones, as well as to professionals working in the field of education, psychology and neurodevelopment. Jo-Marie Bothma, Clinical Psychologist

Weight 0,434 kg

Afrikaans, English


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