
Swaartekrag: ‘n waardevolle teenverouderingsmiddel

deur Celeste van der Walt Ons moderne leefstyl waar jonk en oud, groot en klein dikwels te veel sit, het ‘n nadelige uitwerking op ‘n mens […]


deur Celeste van de Walt In haar boek Phosphorescence, skryf Julia Baurd “A love of nature coiled within our bones, laced in our marrow, steeped in […]

Die Waarde van Kou

deur Celeste van der Walt Om ons kos goed te kou, is eintlik ‘n baie ou waarheid en algemene kennis, maar min mense slaan ag daarop. […]

An Ode to our Bodies

by Dr Melodie de Jager With winter approaching, an ode to our bodies may just give our immunity system the boost it needs to be alive […]

Ouer word: Die Mites van Ouederdom en Aftrede

deur Suzette Serfontein Die toename in die proporsie van ouer persone, ook bekend as populasieveroudering, is een van die mees beduidende sosiale veranderings van die 21ste […]

NALATENSKAP is meer as goeters

deur Dr Melodie de Jager Mitch Albom skryf in sy boek Tuesday with Morrie oor ‘n professor wat een van sy oud-studente in joernalistiek vra om […]

Hoe word ons met GRASIE ouer?

deur Celeste van der Walt “It is never too late to grow old disgracefully” Joanna Nell

Emosionele Gesondheid tydens die Ouer Jare

deur Celeste van der Walt 'n Lang lewe is deesdae 'n gegewe. Meer en meer mense bereik die ouderdom van 100 jaar en ouer. Wat egter […]

What do eye movements tell us?

By Dr. Melodie de Jager Have you noticed how some people look up towards the sky or ceiling when you ask them a question, while others […]

Split brain research and the anatomy of choice

    Melodie de Jager Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroanatomist and award-winning author of My stroke of insight, coined the term anatomy of choice. In her […]

Senior Mind Moves Fasiliteerders is Goud Werd in Tehuise vir Ouer Persone

Veronica Fourie Senior Mind Moves Fasiliteerder van Jeffreysbaai Daar word dikwels kommer uitgespreek oor bejaardes wat doelloos sit in ouetehuise en ander versorgingsplekke. Dit is egter […]

Die invloed van daaglikse beweging, nie oefening, op die brein

Mari Bezuidenhout Die brein word doeltreffend deur die skedelbeen beskerm, maar as gevolg daarvan is die brein van die sintuie afhanklik om inligting te bekom. Inligting […]

Beweging is gratis medisyne met geen newe-effekte

Mari Bezuidenhout & Melodie de Jager In less than two generations, physical activity has dropped by 20% in the U.K. and 32% in the U.S. In […]

Oudword is nie Oudwees nie!

Daar is voorwaar wysheid in Celeste van der Walt se grysheid! Geskryf deur Veronica Fourie Op 84-jarige ouderdom is haar verworwe kennis oor ouer word so […]

Die Belangrikheid van Speelareas

Deur Dr Melodie de Jager Kinders word gebore met ‘n drang om te beweeg wat die ontdekking van hul liggame aanmoedig en hul aanhits om uit […]

Playful Learning: The Importance of Space to Play

By Melodie de Jager   Children are born with an innate urge to move, which encourages and prompts the discovery of their bodies and what they […]

Mind Moves® vir kritiese denke en kreatiewe probleemoplossing

Deur Hanlie van Zyl Deel toffies uit aan die Biologieklas en laat hulle stadig kou! Glimlagte is breed en die kake beweeg! Sal dit werk om […]

Mind Moves® for critical thinking and creative problem-solving.

By Hanlie van Zyl Hand out toffees in Biology class and let them chew slowly! Big smiles and moving jaws! Will this work to make enzymes […]

Help! Ek verdrink in terapie!

Deur Ilda van der Merwe Ek ys toe ek die woorde lees. Dit is oueraand! Wat wil die juffrou hierdie keer met my bespreek? Lees? Aandagtekort? […]

Help! I am drowning in therapy!

By Ilda van der Merwe I hold my breath as I am reading the words. It’s parent-teacher conference night! What does the teacher want to discuss […]

Help! Daar is gate in my kind se emmer!

Deur Amanda Wepener Johan was só opgewonde om groot skool toe te kan gaan. Sy ma onthou nog helder die opgewondenheid van skoolklere aanpas en skryfbehoeftes […]

Help! There are holes in my child’s bucket!

by Amanda Wepener Johan was so excited to be going to ‘big school’. His mother clearly remembered the excitement of buying his school uniforms and stationery. […]

The Importance of the Vagus Nerve on Development and Learning

By Julie Wiid The Vagus nerve supplies all organs except those in the pelvic area. It conducts impulses from these organs to the smooth muscles and […]

Die belangrikheid van die vagussenuwee op ontwikkeling en leer

Deur Julie Wiid Die Vagussenuwee stuur elektriese impulse vanaf die brein na al die organe, behalwe die organe wat in die bekken geleë is. Die Vagussenuwee […]

Mommy, please help me read!

Dr Lindie Moolman Sally is in Grade 3, however, letters still don’t make any sense to her, regression is at the order of the day and […]

Mamma, help my asseblief lees!

Dr Lindie Moolman Sannie is in Gr. 3 maar steeds maak letters nie vir haar sin nie, is omkerings aan die orde van die dag en […]

Children who bite and pinch are crying out for help!

By Retha Bloem Two ‘weapons’ that babies and two-year old toddlers easily use are biting and pinching. These actions can be traumatic for the victim and […]

Kinders wat byt en knyp roep uit na hulp!

Deur Retha Bloem Twee ‘wapens’ wat babas en peuters tot ongeveer twee jaar oud baie maklik kan gebruik is byt en knyp.  Hierdie aksies kan ‘n […]

Sit Still and Stay Still!

By Natasha Geyser How many times have you said or heard the words: “SIT STILL AND STAY STILL”? As a teacher and a mother, I must […]

Sit stil en bly stil!

Deur Natasha Geyser Hoeveel keer het jy al die woorde: “SIT STIL & BLY STIL” in jou lewe gehoor? As onderwyser en ma moet ek bieg […]

SWAARTEKRAG: Die verhouding met die vestibulêre sisteem en die impak wat dit het op ons emosies (limbiese sisteem) en ons denke (kognitiewe brein)

Deur Dr. Melodie de Jager Kom ons kyk na SWAARTEKRAG: Die verhouding met die vestibulêre sisteem en watter impak het dit op hoe ons voel (limbiese […]

Die vel, voeding en vroeë spraakontwikkeling

Deur Dr Melodie de Jager and Cozette Laubser Jou vel is jou grootste en sommige sal sê die belangrikste sensoriese orgaan in jou liggaam. Ons vel […]

Die Wegtrekrefleks: Waarom is my kind angstig

Deur Dr Renée Small Hierdie artikel verduidelik waarom kinders vreesbevange en angstig kan wees, veral in die skoolomgewing. Vrese en bekommernisse is deel van die verskeie […]

Beweging, Spiertonus, Middellyne & Balans

Deur Dr. Melodie de Jager Kan jy nog onthou toe jy geleer het om te loop, fiets te ry of te ysskaats? Die moeilikste gedeelte was […]

Eksamentyd is hier – Maak Gereed met Mind Moves®

Dr. Melodie de Jager Die woorde “toets” of “eksamen” is genoeg om ‘n behoefte om te VLUG te ontketen as gevolg van ‘n intense vrees vir […]

Desarrollo cerebral, hitos y aprendizaje: una perspectiva de los reflejos primitivos.

Dra. Melodie de Jager Lo que vemos cuando miramos a las personas es amor, belleza, compañerismo y compasión, pero cada vez también vemos más dificultades con […]

Crawling/Creeping: Is it important?

By Melodie de Jager Movement is so much part of everyday life, that it is very easy to take it for granted. It is equally easy, […]

Los reflejos primitivos y el desarrollo del sistema visual

Dra. Melodie de Jager La visión es una destreza compleja Un sólido cuerpo de conocimiento científico apunta al hecho de que la visión es una maravilla […]

Brain development, milestones & learning: a primitive reflex perspective.

by Melodie de Jager What we see when we look at people is love, beauty, companionship, and compassion, but increasingly we also see difficulty with childbirth; […]

WALKING is natural medicine.

Irrespective of age, walking is a great way to maintain and improve your health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness and strengthen bone […]

Die rolle des Gleichgewichtorgans im Lernprozess

Verena Prinsloo Die Anatomie und Physiologie des Gleichgewichtorgans Gleichgewicht ist ein biologisches System, welches uns über die Position unseres Körpers im Raum informiert und uns befähigt, […]


Dra.  Melodie de Jager PREGUNTA: Me gustaría preguntar lo siguiente: En Internet, buscando sobre Reflejos Primitivos hay mucha información y diferentes escuelas; por ejemplo: Harald Blomberg […]


Isidro García Getino Si no reconocemos que la educación está enferma, no podemos ganar la gran batalla que supone enfocarla positivamente hacia las necesidades, ya perentorias, […]

Movimiento controlado frente a tdah

Dra. Melodie de Jager El cuerpo humano fue diseñado para moverse. Las experiencias del movimiento precoz establecen el fundamento de lo que sigue. – Krebbs  Movimiento: […]


Isidro García Getino Pedagogo  y  Psicólogo  La Edición Española del libro que tienes entre manos, Movimientos que Mejoran la Mente,  tiene una clara vocación preventiva,   –prevenir […]


Isidro García Getino La escuela es un medio no natural (podría incluso decir no ecológico, pero no lo voy a decir para no extenderme). La naturaleza […]


Isidro García Getino Aprendemos porque procesamos información. Cuando un bebé nace, lleva ya meses recibiendo informaciones, pero como no le hacen falta no las utiliza. Una […]


By Isidro García Getino Hoy día el conocimiento de los sistemas neuro-funcionales nos permite entender muchos procesos que tienen que ver con el aprendizaje, con el […]

Beheerde beweging teenoor Hiperaktiwiteit/ADHD

Deur Melodie de Jager. The human body was designed to move. It is the early movement experiences that lay the foundation of what follows. Krebbs BEWEGING […]


By Melodie de Jager How many times do you have to repeat a request or instruction before your child responds? Once? Three times? Seven times, and […]


Deur Melodie de Jager Hoeveel keer moet jy ‘n versoek of opdrag herhaal voordat jou kind reageer? Een keer? Drie keer? Sewe keer, en dan kry […]

Gravity – A Key to health, vitality, and JOY in the senior years

By Melodie de Jager. In physics, gravity (from the Latin word gravitas) is a fundamental interaction between all things with mass or energy. For you, and me gravity […]


by Melodie de Jager. Let’s look at GRAVITY, its relationship with the vestibular system and how it impacts on how we feel (limbic system) and how […]

Spatial awareness and writing

By Lizelle van Niekerk. Often, as a mom, I feel frustrated that my child can’t see things that are right in front of him. He seems […]

Loop is nie ewe natuurlik vir almal nie

Deur Melodie De Jager. Loop is soos asemhaal, dis natuurlike en gebeur spontaan, of so dink ons. Navorsing wys daarop dat 60% van babas reeds op […]

Swaartekrag – ‘n waardevolle teenverouderingsmiddel

Deur Celeste van der Walt Ons moderne leefstyl waar jonk en oud, groot en klein dikwels te veel sit, het ‘n nadelige uitwerking op ‘n mense […]

Knelpunte wat vreugde en energie kan verorber

Deur Melodie de Jager Basta met ouer word, mens word net meer volwasse! Slaap-slim is ‘n term wat Prof Ignatius Gouws geskep het om een van […]

ʼn Ouetehuis of ʼn Tuiste vir Seniors?

Deur Celeste van der Walt As die program ambassadeur van die populêre Senior Mind Moves program en self ʼn ‘octogenarian’ kan ek met sekerheid sê: ‘Oud […]

Uncertainty, anxiety and the brain

A presentation by Melodie de Jager at the Mind Moves Conference, Stellenbosch 2022. Life presents many challenges and dangers, and each of us needs to feel […]

Nature’s Innate Strategy for Brain Development is PLAY

By Dr Melodie de Jager. Have you recently watched puppies, lion cubs and human babies at play? Obviously, not all playing together. It is quite uncanny […]

Ouditiewe verwerking in die klaskamer

deur Lizelle van Niekerk. Met onderwys wat voortdurend ontwikkel en outisme wat aan die toeneem is, verwelkom meer en meer onderwysers leerders op die outisme-spektrum in […]

Auditory processing in the classroom

by Lizelle van Niekerk. With education constantly evolving and autism on the rise more and more teachers are welcoming students on the autism spectrum into their […]

Gedrag, angs en akademie: Wie is die skuldige?

Deur Mieke Pienaar Die jaar 2020 het die wêreld, soos wat ons dit ken, tot stilstand geroep. Ons bevind ons in situasies waarin ons nooit gedink […]

Senior Mind Moves vir die semi- tot verswakte bejaarde in ‘n tuiste vir bejaardes as deel van ‘n aktiewe verouderingsprogram

Geskryf deur Ilze Pieterse (Maatskaplike werker en Senior Mind Moves Fasiliteerder) Lewenskwaliteit is en bly in elke lewensfase belangrik en net so ook in die laaste […]

The Ageing Population…A Burden?  

By Celeste van der Walt. Changing Landscape Becoming aware of the changing landscape of ageing, can help to serve as a wake-up call. According to statistics […]

Senior Mind Moves fasiliteerders in Tuistes / Dienssentrums

Deur Johannie Louw In 2017 het ek Melodie de Jager oor die radio hoor praat en haar vir ‘n praatjie by Herfsland genooi. Sy het vir […]

Firm footing on the ground to avoid mishaps

By Rudine Ferreira. Oh no!! Once again it’s necessary to clean ‘Megan’, even though she’s 5 years old, she still doesn’t have full control over her […]

Stewige voetjies op die grond keer glipsies

Deur Rudine Ferreira. Ag nee!!  Dit is alweer nodig om vir Sussie skoon aan te trek, want hoewel sy 5 jaar oud is, het sy steeds […]

School readiness – does age matter?

by Celesté Jacobs For parents of young children, the words “school readiness” can provoke anxiety.  Every parent wants to do what is best for their children.  […]

What does School Readiness have to do with Grade 12 results?

By Dr Melodie de Jager. Two things happen in November every year – • 5 – 7 year old children are assessed to see if they […]

Mechanics of learning vs Learning Skills

by Dr. Melodie De Jager Learning is not confined to books and the classroom. Learning is the ability to adapt and the ability to change. It […]

From Nappy to Potty – A Developmental View

By Dr Melodie de Jager | Potty training is similar to learning a brand new language: it takes time, and two people – mom/dad/caregiver and child. […]

Choosing a pre-school that will develop your child’s brain age-appropriately

By Cozette Laubser | How does one choose a preschool? By golly, there are a lot of factors to take into consideration! For many parents the […]

Primitive reflexes and the development of the visual system

by Dr. Melodie de Jager. Vision is a complex skill A substantial body of science points to the fact that vision is a complex marvel that […]

Bladder/Bowel Movement Control

By Dr. Melodie de Jager Control of bladder and bowel movement is a landmine field. It requires a sense of humor and the patience of a […]

Vakansietyd = Prettyd

By Rika Grové & Rhyna Thiel. Pieter tel die slapies al lank voor die vakansie seisoen aanbreek.  Mamma wonder desperaat “Wat op aarde gaan hom die […]


Deur Dr Melodie de Jager. Hierdie is ‘n leesGEREEDMAKINGSprogram met ‘n verskil. Aangesien ons by die Mind Moves Instituut na lees deur die oë van ‘n […]

Voorvaardighede vir Spel en Lees

Deur Hayley Cockcroft. Lees is meer as om woorde duidelik te sien, meer as om gedrukte woorde korrek uit te spreek, meer as om die betekenis […]

Pre-Reading and Spelling skills

By Hayley Cockcroft. Reading is more than seeing words clearly, more than pronouncing printed words correctly, more than recognising the meaning of isolated words.  Reading requires […]

Why movement is important for the brain

By Dr Melodie de Jager. International research has shown an increase in difficulties with behaviour and learning. These difficulties seem to be associated with poor physical […]

Reading Readiness Programme

By Dr Melodie de Jager. Age is not the best indicator of development, skills are. This is a reading READINESS programme with a difference. It starts […]

Why do we expect children to sit still when…

By Dr Melodie de Jager Why do we expect children to sit still when conception is an active process; the ensuing cell division is an active […]

Guidelines for early language development

By Dr Melodie de Jager and Izienne van Jaarsveld Names and words are the symbols of thought. Language is a learnt code that enables people to […]

Knelpunte wat vreugde en energie verorber

Deur Dr Melodie de Jager. ‘Slaap-slim’ is ‘n term wat Prof Ignatius Gouws geskep het om een van die knelpunte wat soms gepaard gaan met meer-volwasse-word, […]

GRAVITY – an underestimated influence in child development

By Yvonne Pilbeam. Gravity is a force that we just don’t think about. But – from inside the womb, from the moment we are born, right […]

Defining emotional and social milestones in the first 6 years

By Dr Melodie de Jager Emotions have the ability to mobilise a person, they create action and movement – they propel one forward. Emotions don’t only […]

Selective Mutism

By Dr Melodie de Jager. Selective Mutism is a term used to describe a person who can speak,  but doesn’t speak. Mary was a well-developed eight-year-old […]

“GOEDVOEL OOR MYSELF” begin vroeg…

Deur Corné Kotze. My 3-jarige seuntjie hardloop vooruit en begin boomklim.  Terwyl hy klim kom die instruksies baie duidelik. “Kyk, mamma, ek gaan in die boom […]

Help! My child struggles to read

By Johan Leslie. One by one, the ghostly images of desperate parents appear in front of me: “Help! My child cannot read!” It hangs like a […]

Brain Smarts

Your baby’s brain goes through major developments in his or her first years of life. What can you do to give their grey matter a boost? […]

Drama for Learning

By Zelia Maree Young students often hear the words: Drama is not a ‘real subject’. Only stupid children take drama. You are stupid! Drama is a subject […]

Help, my kind sukkel om te lees!

Deur Johan Leslie Een vir een doem die spookbeelde van desperate ouers voor my op: “My kind kan nie lees nie!  Help!” Dit hang soos ‘n […]

Pacifiers: friend or foe?

By Dr Melodie de Jager There is no doubt that everybody wants a baby to feed well, metabolise well and sleep well. This feeding-metabolising-sleeping trio seems to […]

Reading to your baby – it’s about so much more than just the book

By Dr Melodie de Jager Thinking back you may remember cuddle-times with mom, dad, granny, grandpa or a favourite aunt or uncle – sitting together or […]

The Battles of a Teacher-Mom: Mind Moves to the Rescue

By Bridget Minnie Although my walk as an Advanced Mind Moves Instructor has been short, Mind Moves has been an integral part of my life for […]

I don’t see clearly, what now?

By Dr Melodie de Jager Some of the common visual conditions that you may be aware of may include: Myopia – nearsightedness Hyperopia – farsightedness Astigmatism […]

Dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, dys… WHAT?

By Lindie Moolman In today’s society where everything is moving at a faster pace, knowledge is often a mere click of a button away and humankind […]

Build your child’s confidence

By Dr. Melodie de Jager Confidence in a child seems to be the most amazing magnetic force that draws friends, opportunities and success with absolute ease. A […]

Does date of birth matter?

By Dr. Melodie de Jager Oh YES, a baby’s date of birth matters! PREMATURE BABIES If baby was born premature, baby has ONE date of birth, […]

Is breastfeeding supposed to be a battle?

Dr Melodie de Jager offers some sensory insights For many the word ‘breastfeeding’ has become an emotional minefield. While some moms sit back, relax and feed, […]

Jaws attends playgroup

By Dr Melodie de Jager & Liz Victor Most parents dread having a biter or having another child bite their toddler.  Biting is seen by most […]


Can you remember when you learned to walk, ride a bike or ice skate? The hardest part was to start and to stop? Once in motion, […]

Mirror neurons and baby development

By Dr Jo-Marie vdM Bothma A very exciting discovery is the mirror neuron, a type of nerve cell found in the brain.  This specific neuron not […]

BabyGym® – an ideal foundation for knowing your left from your right

By Dr Jo-Marie vdM Bothma I often refer to the BabyGym® phrase of “builds a better brain” during classes.  During one such a time, a mommy […]

What children’s drawings tell us about their brain and body development

By Dr. Melodie de Jager Children’s drawings are their earliest attempts at writing and an important phase in their overall development. It is a phase when […]


CONTEXT Development of man shares a neuroscience basis irrespective of discipline or perspective from which the development of man is approached. Neuroscience can baffle most brains […]

Learning ready, school ready

By Dr Melodie de Jager WHAT IS MEANT BY ‘READY’? Before we discuss the term ‘ready’, let’s discuss the term ‘my child’. No mother or father […]

BabyGym®, Bonding and the Attachment Theory

Sonja Basson and Cozette Laubser Over the last few years, I have observed how many new mothers struggle to bond with their babies. I see this […]

Spesifieke Voordele van Daaglikse Beweging vir Ouer Volwassenes

Deur Mari Bezuidenhout “Dink aan beweging as medisyne – gratis medisyne met amper geen newe-effekte nie”.  – Dr Kevin O’Neal Daaglikse beweging kan die volgende spesifieke voordele […]

Verbasende Voordele van Beweging – Meer as net Fisies

Deur Mari Bezuidenhout Ons lywe dra veel meer by tot ons lewens as net die fisiese – dit speel ook ’n belangrike rol in emosies, die leerproses […]

Beweging vs Oefening – Die Verskil

Deur Mari Bezuidenhout Oefening is opsioneel; beweging is essensieël.  – Ben Medder Oefening is ‘n moderne begrip, ‘n verpligting of ‘n taak wat ons flous dat ons […]

Eye dominance and vision problems in children

By Dr Melodie de Jager Vision is more than seeing clearly. It is also about making sense of what you see. In other words the eyes […]

‘n Goeie postuur flous die ouderdom

deur Marita Du Plessis ‘n Goeie postuur is van die allerhoogste  belang en hoe ouer jy word, soveel te meer! Jou lyftaal word grootliks deur jou […]

The Value of Stimulating Your Baby

By Dr Melodie de Jager We are happy when a baby grows, because a growing baby tends to be a healthy baby. Growth means an increase […]

Do you also think learning starts in grade 1?

By Dr Melodie de Jager When most people think of learning, they think of books, school and… ‘boring!’. It is such a pity, because learning is […]

A baby’s look at Emotional Intelligence

By Dr Melodie de Jager Holding a newborn baby is one of those moments in life when even the most emotionally controlled mom or dad feels […]

The Fit Between Personality and Mind Dynamix Profiling within the context of career guidance

By Nicola Richardson Personality finds its expression through the Mind Dynamix Profile – the skeleton containing the person’s essence.  There’s an encouraging link between the attributes […]

Is a walking ring a no-no?

By Dr Melodie de Jager Babies are born inquisitive. They want to touch and explore and as their eye sight expands to see further afield, so […]

Emotional development

By Jenny-Lee van Biljon Emotions develop through social experience, interaction and expression and these emotional bonds form the foundation for all relationships and interactions later in a […]

REVERSALS – To do or not to bo

By Lizelle van Niekerk “Parents are often told the child will outgrow it. And this can be true. Continued exposure to letters and numbers will reduce […]

Senior Mind Moves – Die ouerwordende brein en beweging

Wat is Senior Mind Moves? Mind Moves is fisiese bewegingsaktiwiteite wat sonder enige apparaat gedoen word om die brein te ontwikkel, fiks en soepel te hou. […]

The Withdrawal Reflex: Why my Child Experiences Anxiety

By Renée Small This article provides a useful explanation to parents who find their children in a constant state of anxiety and frozen by fear, especially […]

Will any crawling style do?

By Dr Melodie de Jager and Cozette Laubser Crawling (on all-fours) is a powerful BRAIN-BOOSTING milestone. Crawling on all fours requires incredible strength, balance and coordination. […]

Word wakker baba!

Maande lank het jul uitgesien na baba se koms. Nou is die perfekte mensie hier. Sy het twee ogies, twee oortjies, ’n wipneus en ’n tuitmondjie. […]

HELP, my child is ‘SENSORY’!

By Dr Melodie de Jager No, it is not a case of ‘HELP! MY CHILD IS SENSORY!’A more appropriate response is: ‘YEAH! MY CHILD IS SENSORY!’ Why ‘YEAH’ […]

Pregnancy, date of birth and scholastic performance

By Dr Melodie de Jager and Cozette Laubser When couples turn to Developmental Expert, Dr Melodie de Jager, and ask “Is there a preferred time of […]

Concrete experiences before abstract learning

By Dr Melodie de Jager Imagine waking up to the song of birds, cool fresh air and then being greeted by a little voice that says: […]

Primitive Reflexes and the 3R’s – Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic

By Tamara Carter and Dr Melodie de Jager WHAT DOES READING, WRITING AND ARITHMETIC ENTAIL? Reading According to reading is a multifaceted process involving word […]

Play is serious learning

By Dr Melodie de Jager Margot Sutherland, a British Psychologist, says one of the biggest complaints from adults about their own childhood, is the lack of […]

The Skin, Feeding and Early Speech

By Dr Melodie de Jager and Cozette Laubser Your skin is your largest and some would say most important sensory organ in your body. Our skin […]

Adjust your posture to better your mood

By Sandra Smit Humans are holistic beings, where the body and mind are inseparable from one another. What happens to the body physically will resonate in […]

The Benefits of Rocking for Senior Citizens

By Celeste van der Walt Remaining healthy, youthful and positive during the senior years, is important to us. If we can have fun during the ageing […]

Growth vs Development

Your Baby’s Body & Brain Working Together We want the senses and muscles to work as often as possible, so we need to create development opportunities, rather than […]

Get the most out of feeding-time (and not just breastfeeding-time)

By Lorraine van Niekerk and Cozette Laubser Any mother that has read a little bit about babies, even if it is just the label on the […]

Is my baby hyperactive?

By Dr Melodie de Jager and Cozette Laubser Hyperactivity and ADHD are feared words. Without even really knowing what they mean, we all know we most […]

Exam Time Looms – get ready with Mind Moves®

By Dr Melodie de Jager The words “test” or “exam” are enough to trigger a need to RUN as the result of an intense fear of […]

Birth and brain development – a flawless design

By Dr Melodie de Jager As vital as oxygen is to the brain, the brain does not develop without stimulation. The brain – the power house […]

Jeugdige en positiewe veroudering

Deur Celeste van der Walt Die verouderingsproses vat beslis aan ‘n mens se gemoed en denke en natuurlik ook die lyf. Die grootste sondebokke is die […]

Taking the sting out of maths and science

Dr Melodie de Jager If we were to make a list of school subjects in order of popularity, maths and science are likely to end up […]


Deur Dr Melodie de Jager Taal is ‘n belangrike hoeksteen in baba se fisiese, emosionele, sosiale en kognitiewe ontwikkeling en daarom moet mens mooi dink voor […]

Understanding the levels of learning

By Dr Melodie de Jager Learning is not about: school left and right shapes, colours, numbers punctuation reading, writing, spelling facts comprehension, memory math, science study […]

If movement develops the brain, why is hyperactivity a bad thing?

By Dr Melodie de Jager Everywhere you turn you can find an ad for a movement based programme that promises to be the cure for all […]

STIMULATION – The Goldilocks principle

By Dr Melodie de Jager and Cozette Laubser A baby’s brain is vulnerable. At birth a baby is used to the same environment where the in-utero […]

Magical Milestones for Healthy Baby Development

By Dr Melodie de Jager {Wherever he or him is used to refer to a baby, she or her is also implied} Milestones – An overview […]

Breinoefeninge om die ouderdom te stuit

Die meeste vroue wil so lank moontlik jonk bly. Een handige teenverouderingshulpmiddel is áltyd byderhand – jou brein! Hier is ‘n paar praktiese maniere om dit […]

When does school readiness start?

By Dr Melodie de Jager If you have a 6 year old child – this is the time of the year when school readiness assessment and […]

Controlled movement versus hyperactivity/ADHD

By Dr Melodie de Jager The human body was designed to move. It is the early movement experiences that lay the foundation of what follows – […]

What caresses the nose, hugs the heart

By Dr Melodie de Jager The first 1,000 days between pregnancy and your child’s 2nd birthday, offer a unique window of opportunity to build healthier brains […]

The vagus nerve and its role in feeding

By Dr Melodie de Jager The vagus nerve is called a wandering nerve because it is the longest cranial nerve and ‘wanders’ to the pharynx, heart, […]


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