Frequently Asked Questions

How many repetitions should be done of each move?

Five repetitions per movement per session is enough unless otherwise indicated. It is important to do the movements daily in order to develop the necessary neural circuitry to support the desired skills.

How long does it take to see a difference?

You will notice an immediate improvement after doing five repetitions per session.

Is this improvement permanent?

Yes, it is the beginning of a permanent neural network supporting a skill. However, the network is fragile and only becomes permanent once it has been activated enough times for myelination to take place by enclosing the network in a protective fatty sheath.

Are Mind Moves addictive?

No, learners only do the movements until they have served their purpose to stimulate and integrate the different parts of the brain and body for easy and efficient functioning. Thereafter they can do the movements whenever they feel they need a boost.

Can you do too much?

No, Mind Moves are all completely safe, as long as no move is uncomfortable or painful. The movements cannot be repeated too often and cannot hurt or harm the learner in any way. Repeating the same movement over and over could become boring, though, and learners may become demotivated. Focusing on one move at a time will ensure variety and maintain motivation.

If reflexes are not aberrant any more, is there any further need to do Mind Moves?

Yes, learners tend to revert to their survival profiles when they are under pressure or stress. In the survival state a learner does not function from the whole-brain state, but from the dominant parts of his brain and body, as identified in his Mind Dynamix Profile. The learner then needs a boost like Mind Moves to stimulate the whole-brain state, reduce stress and promote learning.

Is Mind Moves the only way to inhibit reflexes?

No. Mind Moves is an easy and scientific method for use in the classroom and at home in the absence of occupational and neuro-developmental therapists. There are also many other ways to stimulate the whole-brain state, like playing in the park or participating in swimming, sports, drama and dance.

When is the best time to do Mind Moves?

The best time to stimulate a skill is when it is needed. Select a move to stimulate writing before the learners attempt a writing exercise; do a move that stimulates vision and the occipital lobe before they have to read; do a move that stimulates the temporal lobe function before doing maths; do moves to promote relaxation and integration before they write a test.

What is the best age for doing Mind Moves?

It is suitable for all ages, from preschool all the way past retirement.


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