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Mind Moves werk vir my skaam en teruggetrokke kind
This success story comes from a parent who reached out to one of our Instructors for help with their shy little boy who didn’t always know the difference between left and right, struggled with reversals and was hesitant to try anything new.
Mind Moves maak my slim en help om maatjies te maak
‘n Dogter wat baie onseker van haarself was en in die skool gesukkel het, het danksy ‘n besorgde Ouma en Juffrou asook ‘n Gevorderde Mind Moves Instrukteur, pragtig kon verbeter en ook maatjies kon maak.
``Can Do`` mentality with Mind Moves
An Advanced Mind Moves Instructor gave us hope that one should never give up on a child. Mind Moves is great institution for people to reach their full potential and even exceed it. If you are willing to work hard, the fruits you will reap will be worthwhile. I would recommend it to every toddler, child or adult because we are so quick to write a child off as “mentally challenged” whereas they just need a little push in the right direction.
Mind Moves en ‘n krieketdoelwit het positiewe effek op akademie
Wat het krieketdoelwit en Mind Moves met mekaar te doen? Baie! Lees hierdie suksesverhaal van hoe ‘n seun wat angstig was, gesukkel het om weer te gee wat hy geleer het en graag beter krieket wou speel, alles kon verbeter met behulp van Mind Moves, nadat hulle by ‘n Gevorderde Mind Moves Instrukteur besoek afgelê het.
Dedicated parents + Mind Moves = Body control + Self-confidence
Tania Hartz
Bianca* (6years) was referred for Mind Moves after she failed the school readiness test at a local private school. She needed to develop her listening skills, following of instructions, temper control, body control, balance, emotionality as well as speech, and fortunately, Mind Moves came to the rescue.
Mind Moves help blinde dogtertjie om die lewe met selfvertroue aan te pak
‘n Kosbare suksesstorie om te deel, is die een van hierdie blinde dogtertjie wat die lewe met selfvertroue aanpak, nadat sy ‘n pad gestap het saam met ‘n Gevorderde Mind Moves Instrukteur.
Mind Dynamix Profiling - a lifechanging experience for my Gr 9 Son
My son was in danger of failing Grade 9 and we were very concerned about his poor marks and at a loss, as we knew he was capable of so much more. We did not know how to help him, until we came across Mind Dynamix Profiling ……… then his whole life changed! I would recommend Mind Moves to every person who’s on a journey of self-discovery.
Mind Moves kry my kind reg vir 'gewone' skool
“Ons dogtertjie is op 2 jaar en 8 maande gediagnoseer met Apraksie van Spraak.My heel eerste vraag aan die spraakterapeut was of sy eendag na ‘n hoofstroomskool toe sal kan gaan. Drie verskillende spraakterapeute het nie die moed gehad om daardie vraag vir my te antwoord nie…””
Gelukkig het die ma van Mind Moves gehoor wat haar kind gehelp om in ‘n hoofstroomskool te kon skoolgaan.
Met harde werk, uithouvermoë en Mind Moves oppad na ‘n goeie toekoms vir my kind
Lees hierdie suksesverhaal van ‘n kind wat na ernstige armbeserings gedragsprobleme begin ervaar het – hy het buierig geraak, het nie daarvan gehou dat ander aan hom raak nie, het net sekere kosse begin eet en sy skoolwerk het ook agteruit begin gaan omdat hy gesukkel het om te konsentreer. Mind Moves het gelukkig het hom gelukkig gehelp om weer homself te word en te vorder in skool.
Mind Moves concept made things fall into place for my son
We were searching for a solution for our son, who was experiencing difficulties at school. He battled with dictation tests in class and his marks had slid dramatically since the beginning of the year. When copying from the board he would make spelling mistakes. He had become despondent because he wanted to do better and couldn’t achieve it. Then Mind Moves came along and doing the recommended Mind Moves regularly, and having been seated in class to enhance his listening and visual skills, not only did his marks that jumped up to the old level, but there was even a change in his self-confidence.
Needless to say his life changed for the better!
Peter starts to heal with Mind Moves within one session and ten days
Peter’s teacher, an avid Mind Moves-inspired teacher, does Mind Moves daily in her class and the children all do Mind Moves before they write tests. She decided to refer him for a Mind Moves assessment and home programme, as he exhibited multiple difficulties with spelling, reading, writing (spatial orientation and awareness), Maths, attention, balance and coordination. In addition he constantly appeared anxious and continuously licked his lips. He also could not tolerate any kind of touch when the class was doing the Mind Moves Massage and Antennae Adjuster. Read this story to see what a difference this courageous boy experienced in his life, thanks to an Advanced Mind Moves Instructor and 2 diligent and involved parents.
Too old for Baby Gym® and too young for Mind Moves®
“Presenting the Core Workshops, I would explain the exercises and parents would tell me that in theory it is easy to imagine them doing the exercises regularly but in practice it was not so easy. Many of them said they could probably do it for the first week before they would forget to do it and then probably stop all together. I had received the same feedback from the parents I did my training with.
I saw this as a challenge and decided that I would make this a long term goal to prove to myself and the parents and teachers I worked with, that Mind Moves are simple and not at all time consuming.”
Read this success story of an Advanced Mind Moves Instructor and Mom and see the proofs of how working through the Mind Moves, improvements can be seen – even in children where there are no learning difficulties.
Ons het weer 'n laggende kind in ons huis - danksy Mind Moves
Lees die suksesverhaal van hoe Mind Moves ‘n kind se lewe verander het, vanaf iemand wat gesukkel het met swak spiertonus, swak konsentrasie, emosionele uitvalle, lees, Wiskunde en boonop die voorspelling van juffrou se kant dat hy dalk nie gaan deurkom nie, tot ‘n trotse 71% vir Wiskunde.
Van toeskouer na deelnemer met Mind Moves
“The school contacted me because my child was struggling with memory, concentration, poor balance and that he did not participate when other children are playing. He would rather only sit down, and watch them while sucking his thumb.
Dit is waar hierdie storie begin het, maar gelukkig het die ma haar seun by Olga Gouws, Gevorderde Mind Moves Instrukteur in Steelpoort uitgekry en na assessering en aanbevole Mind Moves het hy binne 6 weke pragtig gevorder – te danke ook aan ‘n betrokke Ma en Pa.
Skoolgereed met Mind Moves
My dogtertjie moes begin regmaak om in 2016 Gr 1 toe te gaan. Ek as ma het ‘n paar goedjies opgetel (huil vir niks, sukkel om te konsentreer, onnatuurlik ooraktief, ens) en het haar na ‘n Mind Moves Instrukteur gevat vir assessering. Gelukkig kon sy vasstel waar die probleem was en haar help.
Mind Moves rewired my grandchild’s brain and helped him to pass
Often we forget as parents and grandparents what it’s like to try to sit still and concentrate, and we expect too much of our children.I was contacted by the school to be informed that my grandchild was not doing well at school. I was told that he was having serious coping issues and could not keep up in class with the work load. It was suggested for me to perhaps consider home-schooling where he would respond better perhaps under individual supervision. I was deeply upset and felt desperate and helpless. But fortunately Mind Moves cross our path and everything changed.
Mind Moves - Bewegende Breine
“Hoekom het my onderwysers nooit van hierdie tegnieke geweet nie? Hoe sou my matriekuitslae gelyk het as ek hierdie tegnieke twaalf jaar terug kon gebruik?
Mind Moves het my hele lewe verander, my hele uitkyk oor onderrig, onderwys en opvoeding het ‘n “”face lift”” gekry. Ek moes eerlik erken dat die fout nie by die “”kinders-van-vandag”” lê nie, maar by my!
Ja, ek kan vandag getuig dat Mind Moves ‘n werklikheid is, dat dit werk vir elke mens, nie net die skerpste potlood in die pakkie nie, en dat die wêreld moet weet van hierdie evolusionêre manier van volkome integrasie.
My seun is positief en gretig om nog beter te doen nadat Mind Moves in sy lewe gekom het
Vanaf Graad 4 met die meer werk wat dit behels, het hierdie seun begin sukkel om te onthou wat hy leer en ook om vraestelle te antwoord. In Graad 5 het dit al hoe erger geword en sy persentasies het geval. Gelukkig het Mind Moves in sy lewe gekom en hom weer moed gegee om beter te doen.
Een omgee-juffrou en Mind Moves verander ‘n kind se lewe
Hierdie suksesstorie is inderdaad ‘n bewys van watter verskil een omgee-volwassene, wat toegewyd die Mind Moves wat deur ‘n Gevorderde Mind Moves Instrukteur aanbeveel is, met die kind gedoen het, haar lewe kon verander.
Mind Moves verander ‘herre-en-doppe’ na ‘al-my-vakke-deur!’
Lees hierdie suksesstorie van hoe Mind Moves die student gehelp het om beter te studeer, kalm te bly voor en tydens eksamens en met ‘n plan gewerk het om die gevoel van ‘toegegooi onder die werk’ te oorwin.
``Mind Dynamix® Profile Helps Grade 11 Student Increase Examination Results by 24%``
Allan* was referred to Lindsay Hopwood, Advanced Mind Moves Instructor, by his teacher in the first term of 2019 as she was concerned about his lack of motivation and his apparent inability to study effectively. His poor July Exam results made him realise that he needed help and after Mind Moves intervention his confidence, goalsetting and study methods helped him to study with ease, resulting in an improvement of 24% in his Exam results. What an amazing achievement!
``Mind Moves werk vir Ruimtelike Oriëntasie en verander ‘n kind se lewe``
Lees hierdie lekker suksesverhaal van ‘n seuntjie wat hiperaktief was, gesukkel het om vir kort tye te konsentreer en stil te sit, gou moeg geword het en dikwels heeltemal gedisoriënteerd voorgekom het. Met Olga se intervensie kon sy die ma hoop gee en vandag is hy ‘n kind met selfvertroue. En nodeloos om te noem, sy ouers loop oor van dankbaarheid.
``Ons kry die bal aan die rol met Mind Moves``
Ons deel hierdie wonderlike suksesstorie van ‘n seun wie se ma baie bekommerd was oor sy aggressie, erge emosionaliteit en onduidelike spraak.
Deur sy goeie samewerking, ‘n ouma wat hom so gereeld as moontlik vir sy sessies gebring het en sy ma wat ook hard saamgewerk het, het sy gedrag baie verbeter – selfs sy juffrou het laat weet dat sy aandagspan verbeter het, hy sy werk betyds voltooi en dat hy baie rustiger is en sy konsentrasie verbeter het.
``Astounded by the difference Mind Moves has made``
We proudly share this success story of a little girl who experienced separation anxiety and had problems with bilateral integration, proprioception and perceptual skills. Her Mom brought her to Lisa for an assessment and after that her world changed, thanks to Lisa’s ability to successfully address these learning barriers.
``Mind Moves solved reversals in Grade 3``
During the first term of 2018, the three Grade 3 classes of Harvest Christian School in Johannesburg, started doing Mind Moves to solve reversal problems in class. The teachers did the Mind Moves daily in class for 6 weeks. We’ve also asked the parents to help their children to do the Mind Moves once a day at home. The results were amazing!
``Mind Moves Making a difference - once again``
Read this success story about a child who was previously diagnosed with ADHD, was on Ritalin and desperately needed help for his upcoming exam. After attending the Study Fitness course with Lizelle van Niekerk, his reading and marks improved vastly and he achieved great results!
``More Mind Moves Less Screaming``
Ons deel graag hierdie lekker suksesstorie van ‘n seuntjie wat ontluik het van ‘n nors, ongelukkige, ‘lui’ seuntjie tot ‘n gelukkige, selfversekerde, vriendelike seuntjie wat nie kan wag om smiddae tuis te kom en sy huiswerk self te doen nie.
Hoërskoolseun se suksesverhaal vanaf 'n Ma en Instrukteur wat Mind Moves LEEF
Ons verhuising en skuif na ‘ n ander dorp, het my seun van 18 baie intens beleef, want nie net was dit skuif van skool nie, maar ook ‘n kurrikulum skuif. Ons het allerhande waarskuwingstekens begin sien in sy gedrag. Dit het begin met klein goedjies soos tafelmaniere en algemene netheid maar het uiteindelik ook uitgekring na sy punte. Ek moes my kind help en het met Mind Moves en ‘n duidelike doelwit voor oë is die probleem aangepak en na drie maande is my seun weer ‘terug’.